deuterium labeling

Deuterium Labeling Information

deuterium labeling

Deuterium Labeling Information

Deuterium in nature

جمعه, ۱۹ آبان ۱۳۹۶، ۰۹:۵۸ ق.ظ


Deuterium in nature

The deuterium content of waters in our climate area is 150 ppm (parts per million), with a minimal fluctuation; of waters at the Equator - 155 ppm and of waters in northern Canada - 135 ppm. The deuterium quantity in the water varies according to latitude, but also altitude (with a value of 150 ppm at sea level and 130 ppm at 2000 meters). The deuterium quantity measured in the water in a certain geographic area is proportional to the deuterium concentration in the organisms that live in that area.


The deuterium concentration in an adult organism is of about 12-14 mmol/l (milimoles per liter). Although it doesn't seem much, compared to the masses of other vital elements in the blood, deuterium is approximately six times less than calcium and ten times less than magnesium.





موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۹۶/۰۸/۱۹
ali ahmadi

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